July 11, 2005


El lema de Microsoft debería ser "We screw you up".
Estas son las recomendaciones para escoger un password que en verdad proteja tu cuenta de correo. En otras palabras, que hagas el trabajo que ellos no pueden hacer.

To create a strong password that is easy for you to remember but hard for someone else to determine, try one of these techniques:
Merge two or more words, and combine the words with numbers and symbols. For example: Walk[My]Dog, Po#34tato, Champions=1995.
Abbreviate a phrase you'll remember. It could include numbers and symbols, or words that you can substitute with numbers or symbols. For example: I ride my bike 5 miles each Saturday could become the password Irmb5meS.
Use punctuation and numbers to combine the initials of people or objects from a familiar group, such as your favorite athletes, friends, movies, books, or historical figures. For example: Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, and Joan of Arc could become the password 1G,2AL,JA.
Drop all vowels from a favorite saying, and then add numbers or symbols. For example: Walk three dogs could become the password Wlk3Dgs.

Yo escogería el siguiente: Mcrsft&BllGtsscksass.

1 comment:

e. said...
