December 22, 2005

Rolitas Bonitas

¿Cómo resistirse a poner unas rolitas en el internet?

No sé cuantas leyes de copyright esté rompiendo, y probablemente el FBI caiga sobre mí proximamente, pero el que no toma riesgos en esta vida no se divierte.

Así que... for your hearing pleasure, inauguramos en este su blog de confianza el nuevo servicio de Rolitas Bonitas...

Para comenzar, algo del nuevo disco de Belle & Sebastian, a salir en febrero del 2006. Canción adictiva como solo los bellos y sebastianos pueden hacerlas:

02 Another Sunny Day.m4a
Powered by Castpost

December 20, 2005


Mr. Don Fades ha estado transcribiendo hermosos poemas de Conrad Aiken, de la serie Preludes for Memnon. Sugiero que los lean, me tienen dando vueltas la cabeza. El número IX comienza con las siguientes líneas:

All this is nothing: all that we said is nothing:
Your eyes, your hair, are nothing, you grief, your tears,-
Your laughter, too, that filled the room with laughter,
And your quick step, as quickly gone as come...

Y entonces me pongo a pensar, si los pensamientos no reviven, renacen, flotan en el aire, para luego ser inhalados de nuevo, años después, en un buen momento de coincidencia humana. Ésta es una canción de los Magnetic Fields, del disco 69 Love Songs. You be the judge:

Meaningless? You mean it's all been meaningless?
Every whisper and caress?
Yes yes yes it was totally meaningless.
Meaningless, like when two fireflies fluoresce
Just like everything I guess
Less less, yes, it was utterly meaningless
Even less, a little glimpse of nothingness
Sucking meaning from the rest of this mess
Yes yes yes, it was thoroughly meaningless.

And if some dim bulb should say
We were in love in some way
Kick all his teeth in for me
And if you feel like keeping on kicking feel free.

Meaningless, who dare say it wasn't meaningless?
Shout from the rooftops and address the press
Ha ha ha, it was totally meaningless.
Meaningless, meaning less than a game of chess
Just like your mother said and mother knows best
I knew it all the time but now I confess,
Yes yes yes how deliciously meaningless
Yes yes yes effervescently meaningless
Yes yes yes it was beautifully meaningless
Yes yes yes it was profoundly meaningless
Yes yes yes definitively meaningless
Yes yes yes comprehensively meaningless
Yes yes yes magnificently meaningless
Yes yes yes how incredibly meaningless
Yes yes yes unprecedentedly meaningless
Yes yes yes mind-blowingly meaningless
Yes yes yes unbelievably meaningless
Yes yes yes infinitely meaningless

Y lo único que me lleva a dormir tranquilo con estas coincidencias es una línea de Neil Gaiman, de Sandman:
That which is dreamed can never be lost, can never be undreamed.

Ultimamente he perdido mis propias palabras de tanto usarlas, y el tiempo se me escurre de tanto observarlo ocurrir. Quisiera detenerlo y decirte todo lo que veo en ti, me dejas sin habla, soy un mudo enamorado.

December 14, 2005

Damn Hormones!

If I didn't think, I'd be much happier; if I didn't have any sex organs, I wouldn't waver on the brink of nervous emotion and tears all the time.

Sylvia Plath, from the Unabridged Journals.

December 01, 2005

Va de nuez

Este blog se ha ido convirtiendo poco a poco en la Página Oficial de Estupideces Presidenciales, pero es que, coños, es increíble, imposible, inadmisible que estemos gobernados por esta calidad de zoquete.

Ahí les va la última:

Una nota que dejó Fox en el libro de visitas de la Escuela Secundaria Anexa a la Normal...

¿¿¿¿"que a formado una gran comionidad educativa"????

Eres una desgracia Fox, un desastre natural.